Thursday, April 24, 2008

I'm OFF!

I'm off to a women's retreat tomorrow! (Here is me doing the "ah-huh, ah-huh" dance:)
So, today that means:
Put together the kitchen I painted yesterday (I'll come back and put pics here when I get it!)
Do all the dishes from not doing them for 24 hours.
Make meals for the weekend for my wonderful husband who does not cook:).
Laundry so I don't go naked (nor does my family while I'm gone!)

I will also be enjoying a stroll to the local little library and park with my sister/friend who had her new fourth baby a month ago. Fun!

I am really looking forward to soaking up even more of what God has for me! For long talks up late like we are all little girls again, early morning devotions and coffee by the running brook, and eating that which I have not slaved over!
I'll be doing the retreat dance in my heart all day joyfully working in anticipation of the break.
See ya'll on Sunday!

I have had a conclusion about the "Juno" poster. It is in the Comments on the "Where have all the little girls gone?" post bellow.

...and thank you Christina for watching my rowdy babies part of the weekend! You are a blessing to serve and I thank God for your willing heart!

Ladies, Family Life is excelent today. It's about the Titus 2 Woman. It's encouraging if you are feeling thin and stretched as a stay-at-home mom.


Kristen Borland said...

YAY!! I know, I'm soooo excited too!!! Last year I was glad it was only one night because I missed my family so much. This year, I'll miss them still, but I could use another night!!

Tricia said...

I am right with you all. I could use two days.

Joan said...

Have a great time!

Kristen Borland said...

that's funny about the family life thing you added. i first read it and thought you were saying it's great for when you are feeling thin. ha! i haven't felt thin for awhile, so i shouldn't read it. (hee, hee, hee!)

see ya tomorrow!!

Christina said...

You are welcome! And have a great time.