Friday, December 19, 2008



It's getting to that point. Some things are just not done. Time to look at the list and scratch out or simplify the grandiose idealistic parameters of tasks and to-do's. Time to is NEVER perfect..not even at Christmas. Children are still going to get up at night because they have bad gas from the beans but think their tummies are going to explode and refuse to sit on the potty. Husbands are still going to forget some of those things you've been sweetly nagging about. Pets are still going to try to eat the tree and make themselves sick from eating the needles so that you have to run for the Bissel (only happened once to each cat and I think they both learned their lesson). Dinner is still going to burn if you get distracted, even a simple side dish of corn. You babies are still going to need long bedtime rituals and kisses, books and songs. You husband still needs a smile when he walks in the door. And...
If you tree dies before Christmas.. be thankful they gave you a new one.
If it was cut so badly short at the stump that you and your husband cannot get it to stay up straight after hours of trying so that you still have to cut a whole layer and foot of the new tree so that it's much shorter than your original dead tree and it has to go up on a table, and you have to redecorate and get to bed at 2am.

You can still, remember the amazing husband who was willing to go through it all with you and run to the store for a new tree base (at 9:30 and back home an hour later) only to come back empty handed and then relent to spending time out in the freezing night air at midnight to hack the tree down.

You can be thankful. You can let things go that need to go. You can enjoy your kids school parties and be thankful you get to be there with them. You can have that company for dinner and let them see some mess. You can stop trying to perfect...and learn to..
and more than anything..


Christina said...

THe picture you found is so great! Yes, some years are like that. Last year we had to re-cut our 9 foot tall tree, fully decorated, mind you, because it died. Not fun.

I love, love, love, the live trees, but this year after my husband again suggested that we go artificial, we bought a fake tree. I think it might actually be worth it. No water, lights already on, no stand. And it does look very realistic. The only thing missing is the smell. So I'm on the hunt for some product that will mimic that as well.

Sorry things have been rough for you, though. It sounds like you have a good perspective and that's always important.

Gombojav Tribe said...

There's got to be a silver lining. Like the tree on a table--now your pets won't try to pee under it.


Kristen Borland said...

hee, hee...

oh, my, this is the first year i've stressed over Christmas, and more than the actual strees, i am upset for being stressed! because that's not what Christmas is about! i want to make things wonderful, but i should remind myself that Christmas is wonderful in its self because it celebrates the Greatest Gift ever given. And Lord, i am so grateful for that gift!!

Alicia said...

it was actualy puke (lovely conversation here). They ate the needles and gagged till they puked. Each cat did it once. I cleaned and they have not eaten them since. Thankfully, because the table is no deterant for cats!:)

Godsgirl68 said...

appreciate this sweet reminder of what's really important. :)